Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Seven Stages of Mickey Z.

Posted by Mickey Z on 01/23 at 06:59 AM
  1. Good Morning Mickey.

    Really, what the fuck are we going to do about it?

    Any thoughts?

    Yeah, I’m, in a shitty place, mentally, right now, asking that question about so many things, numerous problems; what to do about, the list infinite. And everyday, I see and hear things that scare me to wondering just how fucked up things are and how long the intervals are becoming between something wholesome and something destructive.

    I don’t know what to do. The advice to me is to try to be as calm and as present as possible in the immediate moment. Makes sense and I want more than that and maybe that’s part of my problem. I have often felt that one of the most obscene things one could hear is someone, especially in america, beginning a sentence with the words, ‘I want’. It is usually followed by something that needs to be purchased, some piece of shit object that isn’t worthy of a 10 second discussion.

    So, someone might ask me, Joe, what do you want, and in my current, frustrated state, I could ask for some peacefulness, some contentedness, some friendliness some knowledge that people are not getting dumber and what cosmological law can assure me that this is not the case and does not describe the inhumane conditions at all---so,?

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  01/23  at  11:31 AM
  2. I guess Expendables aren’t the sort of people that advertisers want to target.

    I’m looking forward to the Wikileaks info on which politicians have secret Swiss Bank Accounts. That might bring down a few careers.

    Last week I’ve been confronted by US extra-territorial laws. The Economic Blockade of Cuba means a British Bank has Cuba as #1 on it’s list of “Sanctioned Countries”. I want something (in writing) from them to explain themselves. That’s my mini goal next week.

    captcha says “movement”

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from   on  01/23  at  03:11 PM
  3. Hi Mickey, Rick, and all…

    joe, I like your great comment. It reminds me of the old quote - “Some things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity ---but I’m not sure about the Universe.” Albert Einstein

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  01/23  at  03:39 PM
  4. Hello everyone. Joe, I think we can all on our own way - relate to a “current, frustrated state.” I know I can.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/23  at  03:44 PM
  5. Nice summation, michael.

    What To Do Dept: avenues for peaceful redress of outrageous inequality and looming extinction, what Max Keiser dubbed the eco-eco crisis [-nomic/-cide] and the many institutions that perpetuate it, are smaller than ever. On Friday, even elitist Bill Maher quipped on live TV to some hack from the WSJ, about the Great Dispossessed, “they will come for people like you and me and the people on this panel.”

    As with any Third World country, the only question that remains is when people will take matters into their own hands, how, and to what end. Mark Ames offers some cheerful insight:

    So does Bill Hicks: “People suck, and that’s my contention. I can prove it on a scratch paper and pen. Give me a fucking Etch-A-Sketch, I’ll do it in three minutes. The proof, the fact, the factorum. I’ll show my work, case closed. I’m tired of this back-slapping “Aren’t humanity neat?” bullshit. We’re a virus with shoes, okay? That’s all we are.”

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  01/24  at  12:09 AM
  6. Love it, Zen. Thanks. I’ll be putting up my interview with Derrick shortly. Looking forward to some Expendable feedback.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/24  at  08:58 AM

Next entry: My conversation with Derrick Jensen

Previous entry: Beat Your Daisy Cutters Into Daisies