Friday, January 21, 2011

Beat Your Daisy Cutters Into Daisies

Posted by Mickey Z on 01/21 at 12:24 PM
  1. Good afternoon Mickey. I think the first thing I need to know is the manufacturer of these bombs dedicated to sustainable practices?

    Are they giving any proceeds of the sales of these bombs to any nonprofit organization?

    We just got a catalog in the mail from a company developed by a multi-millionaire Mainer. He’s so white and smily and goes into the whole sustainable, natural, green, eco-friendly, for peace spiel to sell overpriced crap. Americans will love it.

    Washington should have used the whole organic, sustainable, eco rap to sell war instead of the tired WMD fabrication. It would have been a hit.

    During the Vietnam era and probably still, there were anti personnel bombs, The bomb was made in 2 halves longitudinally. Inside the bomb were numerous smaller bombs. By design, the bomb was to separate some distance above the ground and then all the little bombs inside would explode, leveling everything for quite a large area.  How clever of war freaks to design such a thing.

    I wonder how many unexploded american bombs and land mines still exist on this planet and in the oceans?

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  01/21  at  03:10 PM
  2. Mickey, great article.

    You are right, joe… I know that there is at least one nuke in the ocean off the NJ coast. I used to lay in bed at night near Cape May and wonder if this would be the night of the big one - nuke blast, I mean.

    Sorry about that last comment...I am trying hard today to be ‘centered’.  The CEO-in-Chief was up here today. He was in the same building where I used to work, a long time ago. GE, and now the GE CEO will have an office in the White House and be paid with tax payer money.  If there ever was an in-your-face betrayal of the people, this has to be it.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  01/21  at  05:14 PM
  3. hello people

    its been a while.

    but i always read up even if i havent commented.

    I commented on this one over at opednews but there you go.

    How is everyone?

    Lots of people in my family have serious illnesses.

    That is about it for my news.

    Posted by michael from not scotland  on  01/21  at  06:18 PM
  4. Hello everyone. Welcome back, Michael. Sending good wishes to you and yours.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/21  at  09:21 PM
  5. Apparently the u.s. navy is conducting exercises to intercept and shoot down missiles. This is being done on the east coast not far from Norfolk naval base.

    It’s a practice where they don’t really shoot anything at the missiles. The article says,
    “Because the ships won’t actually shoot anything down, they won’t fire any missiles during the exercise. The rockets that they practice tracking will fall harmlessly into the Atlantic Ocean, the Navy said.”

    Harmlessly polluting the oceans as if the seas are the septic tanks for dumping american stupidity!

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  01/22  at  10:50 AM
  6. Hello everyone...from frigid Astoria.

    A new post is now up...with some help from a fellow Expendable.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/23  at  07:01 AM