Wednesday, June 22, 2011

haiku equation

Posted by Mickey Z on 06/22 at 05:25 AM
  1. I posted an article as well on my Facebook page about the dwindling ocean life.  Nobody cares. And I don’t know you or I can do to stop it, much less reverse it.

    Posted by Charles from Jersey City  on  06/22  at  01:13 PM
  2. Hi Charles..."Nobody cares.” I’ll second that.
    This morn on VPR, an author/environmentalist from Australia was discussing his book.  He said that the window of opportunity is over. The big change has already started. Humanity will either adjust to the ‘new’ world or descend into chaos. I think he is right about the fact that the big change in the environment has already started. Fire, flood, draught, tsunami, hurricanes...they have all been around for a long time - but not all at the same time.
    Up here, people are wearing coats today - in the middle of June.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  06/22  at  01:53 PM
  3. I think chaos is all there has been during this patriarchal disaster.

    These stupid societies have been degenerating since day one.

    It’s too bad the solution isn’t as simple as pumping out a full septic tank.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  06/22  at  04:59 PM
  4. Excellent post, Mickey! And hello, Charles, Rosemary and Joe - from a damp Daylesford, where temperatures are slowly rising - to about 58F today.

    Read about the dwindling ocean life on ‘commondreams’ and heard about it on the radio.  Ah well, our public broadcaster still has the occasional program worth listening to.

    Yet, there is rarely a mention of the rapidly growing human population which will literally ‘outbreed’ all other species.  And people who have many children are held up as role models.  As if!!

    Posted by Helga from Daylesford, Australia  on  06/22  at  05:52 PM
  5. I agree Helga, too many people too many high concentrations of people in small areas. Too much corruption, insanity, few who want to think independently, a formula for disaster, which is what we have and the same deciders are making decisions to avoid disasters by creating increasing disasters. It’s insane no matter how you cut it.

    The grand wazoo’s certainly know how to screw up. And people will go to the polls and vote for the same screw ups, though I feel the vote doesn’t matter.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  06/23  at  06:09 AM
  6. As you all know, I wish so badly I had a meaningful retort to the cry of “nobody cares.” But the evidence speaks for itself and I’m often left with nothing but the selfish hope that the worst pars of the big collapse take place after I’m gone.

    Captcha sez: help

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  06/23  at  06:19 AM
  7. Mickey 6...I think many people care, unfortunately, we are divided from each other in so many ways, fear, distrust, skepticism become the invisible barriers, keeping people from sharing and realizing their sameness. I think this prevents collective action. Intellectual common grounds, I feel doesn’t have the glue that ‘feeling’ each other with each other’ has. We are too terror stricken to leave our 3 feet wide world.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  06/23  at  01:07 PM
  8. Hi, everyone. MZ, Homeland Security is preventing overflights of link #3. (error 403 - Verboten!)

    Michio Kaku was on one of the newsies, talking about a 50-100 year cleanup at Fukushima. I don’t think h. sapiens can concentrate that long. Those that can, would be at risk for early demise. Talk about a dead-end career move.

    The word on the oceans echoes Chomsky’s point about three sides to AGW: that it exists, that it doesn’t, and that it’s far worse than projections. Q: would it still be surfing without sharks in the mix?

    Helga nails it: overpopulation is the problem. Totally unsubstantiated accusation: Watch for elites to launch germ warfare to address this - for our own good, of course. Getcha gated, hermetically-sealed zero-down homes!

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  06/23  at  10:14 PM
  9. @Zen

    Yeah, them’s pesky elites will release their bioweapons, safe in the knowledge that their personal stash of expensive and carefully distributed vaccines will work.

    Then, of course, they won’t…

    Or, in the 17.5 million-to-one chance they do - will shortly realize that ivy-league skillsets have little value in a world lacking the proles…

    Posted by subgenius from hell-A  on  06/24  at  12:03 AM
  10. A news report today, 5 minutes ago spoke about the use of germ warfare on Cuba in 1970 by the cia

    I guess denying one’s humanity leads to madness perhaps somewhat like a fish trying to live in a tree. And here we are.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  06/24  at  01:25 AM
  11. Joe, you reminded me of this from Albert Einstein: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

    On that note, a new post is up and running.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  06/24  at  04:59 AM
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