Mickey Z
Cool Observer
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Osama wants your mortgage
I’ll just ask it then go get ready for work-- if we all rented here would the towers still be standing?
$1100/month for my cave here… and there’s probably better middle eastern food in my ‘hood than in his. Hell’s Kitchen indeed. Damn strange world.
Posted by James from Hell's Kitchen on 08/23 at 06:49 AM -
Good article, Mickey.
Mornin’, James.
There is a double topic here today...why they hate us and also housing. They hate us because we bomb and exploit them. It seems very simple to me. George has to lie about it, unless its possible that he doesn’t know the real truth. Hard to figure out where stupidity ends and lying begins.
Then there is the issue of housing and freedom. Housing is a big problem for many. The homeless and the nearly homeless are ignored, hidden, blamed, stigmatized. SAD. If any can ever see the film “A Home of Their Own”, it is one of the best portrayals of the plight of the homeless I have seen in recent years...a real tear jerker.
On a personal level, the mortgage on my little house would have been paid off by now if the government had not attacked me. Now, I will never be without a mortgage. I still think that I am pretty lucky. I knew a family, with 3 children, and a newborn baby. The family lived in a van. Eventually one of the children died. Only in the usa....Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts on 08/23 at 07:42 AM -
i do like it when u r taking the piss mickey.
on a serious note, it is all part of the broader strategy, which is nicely put in this article (most of which i dont agree with but this point is important)
http://tinyurl.com/jujd2“The Big Lie, first coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf,was made famous by Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Reich. The idea was simple enough: Tell a whopper (the larger the better) often enough and most people will come to accept it as the truth. During World War II, the predecessor of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services, described how the Germans used the Big Lie: “[They] never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
on a personal note, nearly 6 weeks of 11 12 or 13 hour shifts has just finished so i might be pestering u all a bit more in the weeks to come!
as it is i am having a few beers to celebrate the end of this and listening to some pretty sweet ska music too (allow me this one indugence this time!)
Posted by michael from exile on 08/23 at 09:49 AM -
Congratulations, Michael. That is something to celebrate. I once worked as a bouncer a club near Canal street called Wetlands that had the best Ska bands around. This was 12 years ago and the place is now closed...I feel old lately.
I read on Page 6 of the Post the other day that Osama wanted to kill Bobby Brown and take Whitney Houston as one of his many wives.
That’s a great article, Mick. He hates you because you can buy a house. Jesus H. Christ.
Posted by JOS from Chicago on 08/23 at 10:23 AM -
Hello Expendables. Good to have you back, Michael. Enjoy your well-deserved break.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 08/23 at 10:32 AM -
thanks jos and mickey and hello rmj and james and everybody.
i was just thinking if you take the quote i put above and make some of it opposite - and not that i agree with all of what you are about to read...but would we have a better world if our [sic] leaders [sic] behaved like this instead. this is just an exercise. i am not saying this is what i believe…
always allow people to cool off, always admit a fault or a wrong, always concede that their may be some good in your enemy, always leave room for alternatives: always accept blame. concentrate on everyone at the same time and blame EVERYONE for what goes wrong. tell small lies occasionally to cover small indiscretions and dont repeat them more than once and rarely will people disbelieve youwould that be a better world???
i think so
Posted by michael from exile on 08/23 at 10:47 AM -
i know the lying bit is controversial but none of us r perfect
just to add fuel to the issue, watch this (4 minutes)..
“small indiscretions” means things like being late or covering for someone else at work, not bombing villages.
Posted by michael from exile on 08/23 at 11:04 AM -
Keir, he was the first writer I´ve found talking about white slavery, though my ears pricked up first at all those mentions of “indentured servants” in that Zinn US people´s history book. For me, though it is that simple because there´s not a person on the planet I would adhere to everything they say - and like Milton sez, if the stomach cannot tell the difference between good meat and bad meat it is the stomach that is sick.
Posted by owen from barcelona on 08/23 at 12:54 PM -
Another pertinent quote, Mickey. Unfortunately GWB does not listen - and neither does the Australian government.
Hello, James, Rosemarie, JOS, Michael and Owen from a wet Daylesford. Am still trying to collect my thoughts as it is only 4:31 am in eastern Australia.
Have a good morning/afternoon wherever you are, my fellow expendables!
Posted by Helga Fremlin from Daylesford, Australia on 08/23 at 01:32 PM -
Good day Expendable Everyone,
I agree with Michael, I like it when you take the piss, Mickey. I also sometimes feel it’s the only thing that can be done anymore (following from the whole ‘silencing’ talk yesterday) and the logic displayed by the Psychopaths running the joint is anything but logical; so what’s left for the sane (who hold no global power) but to laugh at the idiocy and speak the truth when asked?
RMJ, about yesterday’s later discussion of your having been plagiarized: Blogger allows you to report offensive material and it actually works sometimes...I know of a few flat out racist blogs which have been ‘cancelled’...perhaps this UK based jerk’s blog provider has a similar set up to whom you could report him? AND....I wish Christine well on the impending delivery (sounds like she’s expecting fedex, when said like that!) and safe arrival of the newest Expendable!
Posted by Amelopsis from Canadumb on 08/23 at 01:40 PM -
Hello Owen, Helga, and everyone’s favorite Empress. Can someone explain to a Yank like me the exact meaning of “take the piss”? Im pretty sure I get it but I’m not too proud to ask.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 08/23 at 01:48 PM -
it means to make fun of someone or something.
Posted by owen from barcelona on 08/23 at 02:12 PM -
Or we could’ve said ‘taking the mickey’!
Posted by Amelopsis from Canadumb on 08/23 at 02:25 PM -
Well there’s the old Mickey! (The one who I once believed was ZNet’s normally sober Michael Albert writing semi-icognito to let the sarcasm out in full.) I am happy (happy?) to follow your line of investigation into how hopeless our situation is, but it’s also good to see you having some fun with it. I should say though that you let that fuckwit (there’s another Limey phrase for you MZ) George W off the hook with all that religion mumbo jumbo. Two obvious things that GW just don’t get: the separation of church and state and the difference between freedom and private property. The book I’m reading at the moment (Zygmunt Bauman’s Society Under Siege) is turning my whole world upside down with its revelations about what we’re turning into; allowing the rulers to instigate chaos as an acceptable societal norm (an idea borrowed from the business class) seems to follow on Michael’s quote from Goebels above.
Forgive the rambling...I bid farewell forever to my 20’s today and cannot be bothered to put a proper thought together at this late hour.
Posted by Keir from The Hague (Jackowski election hdqts) on 08/23 at 05:13 PM -
ON TOP OF THAT HE’S KIND OF CUTE....sorry, that was the best I could do on such short notice…
Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts on 08/23 at 05:29 PM -
Thanks for the tip, Amelopsis....I just saw your comment #10.
Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts on 08/23 at 05:40 PM -
Thanks, Keir...but I’m not sure this light mood can last.
Happy, happy, happy birthday, my Expendable friend. It’s a pleasure to know you and learn from you.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 08/23 at 05:44 PM -
Happy 30th Birthday Keir!!!!
The Almighty Emperor is a Pirate: http://tinyurl.com/zaye8
Bush press conference on Iraq: “We’re not leaving so long as I’m the president.”:
http://tinyurl.com/f462oPosted by TM from on 08/23 at 06:04 PM -
Ok, So what is the answer at this point? What would it take to stop the bloodshed(I’m Serious)?
What do these people that hate us bad enough to Murder civilians want? I want their answers to this question. I don’t want to know what you think they want. I want to know what they have said they want that will cause them to stop strapping bombs on themselves and their own children for crying out loud.
Posted by David from Louisville KY on 08/23 at 07:19 PM -
TM, where do you find these videos? I plan to re-post that one soon.
David: I suggest you read the end of yesterday’s post.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 08/23 at 07:35 PM -
That’s what Churchill said. What do they say they want?
Posted by David from Louisville KY on 08/23 at 08:16 PM -
I don’t believe there is a monolithic “they,” but it’s not hard to imagine most humans agreeing with Churchill.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 08/23 at 08:18 PM -
I watched the video too. Our soldiers go into these civilian areas because that’s where the rockets and bombs are coming from. The terrorists actually embed themselves among civilians so the innocents die with them. then reuters can go in and photograph all these dead civilians and make like the United States and Israel are targeting them when actually they are going after the terrorists hiding among them. My hat is off to them because they know how to wear us down. They know we(The public) can only take so much innocent bloodshed before we call for it to stop and turn against our own Government. In order to win a war waged in such a way we would have to be as morally bankrupt as they are. They don’t care about civilian casualties. They revel in it. Dead civilians are their most lethal weapon.
Once again I ask the question: What do they want? If there is not a monolithic they then each group has most certainly said what we( Western Democracies) must do to appease them. You can’t just go around blowing people up and not give us a way out. What is it?
Do they want the West out of the Middle East? Do they not want us to buy their oil? I would love that. That’s why I support research and development of alternative energy sources such as Bio Diesel & Ethanol fuels. If the west just cuts off the Middle East and says “There,now you’re free of all Western influence” Would they still strap bombs to their babies. Would they just go back to terrorizing their own people? If they did who would care because they wouldn’t have us to blame. Hell lets give them Israel too. Move all who want to leave to the US or Western Europe and say “There now all Palenstinians can have their homes back” Would that stop the madness? To top things off let’s not trade with any Country. Seal our borders and tell the World “Let us be and we’ll let you be. you want to murder your own people? Fine just so long as you leave us alone. We won’t stop you because we wouldn’t want to impose our way of life on you. That wouldn’t be fair. you want to hang teenage girls from a crane because they had premarital sex. That’s ok. Live and let live. That’s our motto. You want to bury women up to their necks and stone them for adultery? What do we care? That’s too bad but at least it wasn’t us”
If this is the type of world you want to live in that’s fine but as for myself I say no thanks!
Posted by David from Louisville KY on 08/23 at 09:31 PM -
Palestinians have repeatedly called for a return to the pre-1967 borders, the right of return, and self-determination (i.e. for the government of Israel to quit meddling in their affairs).
Hezbollah, which is a legitimate political force in Lebanon, has a military wing whose purpose is to repel Israeli incursions into its territory. There is a small territorial dispute with regard to Shebaa farms.
Syria would like the return of the Golan Heights and for the US to discontinue its belligerant stance (unfounded since Syria was instrumental in bringing a number of al-Qaeda operatives to justice immediately following 9/11).
Osama---a monster essentially created by the CIA---originally wanted Americans out of Saudi Arabia. As did I.
Iraq is a mess and I don’t know what the various factions want today, but the US out and some sort of international peace-keeping force in, with massive reparations paid by the United States seems reasonable to start with.
It’s neither about appeasement nor are there hordes of Arabs “strapping bombs onto their babies”. Imagine if the most aggressive actors in the Middle East (i.e. the US and Israel) started making honest overtures for peace and stopped bombing, shooting, raping, torturing, and imprisoning. Imagine if the US shut down its detention centers scattered throughout Iraq, quit propping up the revolting regime in Saudi Arabia, and ceased to fund Israel’s nuclear arsenal. Violence may well continue, but the most powerful actors in the conflict would be leading without resorting to violence and by discontinuing their double standards. The burden to disarm would be on the people whose grievances would be disappearing one by one.
captcha="hour", as in I could go on for an…
Posted by Keir from The Hague (Jackowski election hdqts) on 08/24 at 03:35 AM -
Osama:"Lost another one to Ditech!”
Posted by simon from Calgary, Ab. on 08/24 at 07:33 PM
Next entry: Can't we just get Donald Trump to fire God?
Previous entry: "The babies just come with the scenery"
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