Monday, June 06, 2011

June 6, D-Day...blah, blah, blah

Posted by Mickey Z on 06/06 at 04:21 AM
  1. I found out about this too late.  Otherwise I’d have been there.

    Posted by Charles from Jersey City  on  06/06  at  01:49 PM
  2. That’s a great article Mickey, makes me think of Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, who went to work for the US in Germany and then Bolivia after the war.

    Do you find it strange that people can say “after the last war” and people instantly know which war they’re referring to. “After the war”, “Since the war”, “During the war” all refer to WW2.

    Just how many wars aren’t on the radar for that to be the case!

    Britain used Japanese troops to help fight the Vietnamese just after “the war”, and then there’d be Burma, Korea, British Guiana, Egypt, Aden, Yemen...and all the others too.

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from England  on  06/06  at  01:55 PM
  3. It was a good event, Charles. Felt both solemn and celebratory.

    Rick, since you brought up Barbie:

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  06/06  at  02:30 PM
  4. How about Duh Day? (Saving Private Power: the book that introduced me to MZ.)

    The #3 link is not werkin, not even cut and paste.

    Nice photos of the ARD event. There were epic bellows of outrage when greyhound racing was outlawed in Massachusetts. Some thought it unfair that the ballot initiative process was used successfully. When the track near my hometown closed, many dogs and working-class paychecks were saved. The owners did not offer to run around the track instead…

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  06/07  at  04:46 AM
  5. Thanks, Zen. I remember first meeting you at a bookstore in Cambridge. You brought a copy of SPP with you.

    Link from #3:

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  06/07  at  04:48 AM
  6. I bought saving Private Power a few years back from ebay, couldn’t find it anywhere else.

    From the Third World Travellor website I just saw the Bill Blum quote, the one about Americans always believing that the Govt had good intentions. It’s like an abused spouse thinking their partner loves them

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from England  on  06/07  at  01:16 PM
  7. I get into it with people about the ‘good war’ all the time.

    It’s easy to kick it off if your a Brit like me. You start with,"So what was the UK doing at the time of the war?” It was the British Empire, the largest empire the world has ever known. It was both racist and brutal occupation.

    Good guys? Or are we talking competing empires.

    Posted by Andy from Shanghai  on  06/07  at  01:25 PM
  8. I completely agree with you, Mickey - 7 years ago does indeed sound like a good time, as does 10 years ago, to say nothing about 20 years ago ..

    Good morning/night to Charles, Rick, ZenProle and Andy as well.  Have I mentioned that they showed ‘On the Beach’ on Australian TV a few days ago, Zen Prole?  So fascinating, not least for its setting in Melbourne ca. 1959.

    All best,

    Posted by Helga from Daylesford, Australia  on  06/07  at  03:43 PM
  9. Thanks for the link, MZ. It’s new to me and at the heart of what grieves me lately. What we are up against can be traced from Guatemala to the Middle Ages, to Roman latifundia and the pharaoh’s slaves. The careerist squeak of sorta-lefty convenience is a nanodecibel next to a volcano of brutality.

    To wit, this one’s a minor skirmish but draws the needed line between quislings and serfs:

    Helga, the movie is very good, but the novel is remarkable - it’s a little bit unfair to compare the two.

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  06/07  at  04:34 PM
  10. I think Mickey has a busy day!
    Fleet Management

    Posted by hejingjoy from   on  06/07  at  10:01 PM
  11. In case you all missed it, facebook switched to facial recognition technology without telling anybody.

    Why not let’s all join diaspora, the non-evil version of facebook?

    I’ll even join you all on that one if other people sign up.

    Posted by Michael from not scotland  on  06/08  at  04:23 AM
  12. There is more and more evidence confirming there is no possibility america will advance into the 12th century, no matter how many facebooks there are, no matter how well managed our computer resources are. Can you imagine ‘managing our computer resources more efficiently?’ What the hell does that mean. People don’t know left from right, up from down, people don’t know how to eat, lies are truth, truth gets a punch in the face and we should be concerned with data management while the earth convulses, while the dead are decomposing, while we’re reading radiation levels from nuclear wars in numerous countries, while nuclear reactors verify human incompetence, while presidents vomit words with no meaning, while admirals and generals masturbate while thinking of mass murder, while activists sign feed the poor petitions while ignoring their neighbor who they know is starving, starving from lack of good nutrition, which includes having healthy relations with other human being type people. Holy horseshit!

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  06/08  at  07:39 AM
  13. I wonder how many people will stumble on this page after Googling “Barbie”.

    I was told today that the town where I work will be closing roads for a few hours next week. Why? The military are marching about. Either that or they’re invading us now.

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from England  on  06/08  at  12:19 PM
  14. Last note re: animal rights event

    Arnie Gunderson speaks about “fuel fleas” spreading far and wide, including Seattle…

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  06/09  at  01:58 AM
  15. Outstanding collection of comments and links. Thanks, all.

    I’ve just put up a new/old post to make certain no one cheers up any time soon. See you there.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  06/09  at  04:28 AM