Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's FAQ time

With extra time on my hands thanks to being phased out of all my paid writing gigs, I’ve started penning more old school “radical” articles lately. Not surprisingly, a lot of the same reader reactions have been provoked and have thus inspired me to create the following:

Why are you attacking me for my way of life?

Why don’t offer any step-by-step solutions?

Why do you always focus on the negative?

Why aren’t you marching in lockstep with me? You suck.

Since you seem to think you have all the answers, exactly what should we do?

Read all my answers here


Another of my recent photos:

Flaking out


Poem: “haiku inventory"


Bonus link:

My latest Long Island Pulse fitness column

Posted on 01/27 at 06:01 AM
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