Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My January 12 vegan/AR event (weather-permitting) is dedicated to Mom

January 12 marks three years since my Mom passed away. Each year so far, I’ve struggled with finding the “right” way to mark such a sad occasion.

On Jan. 12 2011, I will participating—along with Marisa Miller Wolfson and Jasmin Singer—in a

My lifelong love of animals and thus my eventual transition to veganism can be directly traced back to my Mom’s influence. No one loved animals more than she.

So, this event is an ideal way to honor her...and also an ideal way to educate my fellow activists about the importance of extending their quest for justice beyond human rights before it’s too late.

I hope some of you can be there at the event (and I hope it doesn’t get snowed out). You will not regret it. Either way, please spread the word.



Another of my recent photos:

Fountain range


Poem: “meaning of life haiku"

Posted by Mickey Z on 01/11 at 09:21 AM
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