Mickey Z
Cool Observer
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Mickey Z. @ Bluestockings Tonight
hello all
great to see about this stuff. becoming a regular thing then?
everywhere needs a good little activist bookstore.
Posted by michael from scotland (but in exile again) on 05/03 at 06:24 AM -
Thanks, Michael. I’ll let you know tomorrow if this might become a regular thing. Begging, cajoling, and coercing folks to show up is no fun. So, depending on tonight’s turnout, I can decide about future events of this ilk.
When my novel comes out, I’ll do some talks related to that...but the mood will be much cheerier at those events.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 05/03 at 09:42 AM -
Mickey & Michael ... (I like the ring to that !) --- Mick ?—we’re you christened “MICHAEL”—?? ... AND .. how did you become known as “MICKEY”—?? .. inquiring minds want to know—after ?? Mickey Mantle?? Mickey Finn ??—Mickey Rooney ??—Mickey Spillane ?? Mickey Hargitay (Jayne Mansfied’s lover ??)—http://tinyurl.com/6gms35—she—Jayne Mansfield—was the other BLONDE BOMBSHELL of the 50’s ... and early 60’s --- (MMONROE—of course was the other AMERICAN born bomber) .. GOOD LUCK TONITE—hello to Michele!!
Posted by Richie from st james city / n ft myers FL on 05/03 at 12:15 PM -
Thanks, Richie. Yep, I was christened Michael, most early friends called me Mike, but when I was working at a giant NYC gym, there were too many Mikes. My buddy Damian started calling me Mick or Mickey, I liked the sound of it and created the pen name “Mickey Z.”
That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it…
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 05/03 at 12:35 PM -
Good luck tonight, Mick. I didn’t hear back from anyone in NYC about joining you...but I am sure you will get a good crowd.
Posted by JOS from Oak Park on 05/03 at 03:00 PM -
Break a leg, Mick.
Posted by Zen Prole from Urth on 05/03 at 04:08 PM -
wow...it is surprising that this was published in a mainstream magazine:
Posted by JOS from Oak Park on 05/03 at 06:17 PM -
Mickey, you brought your A-game tonight, although I’m not sure you have any other game to bring. Good times, good times. I only wish there could have been more people there. I rather enjoyed the irony of you bashing Obama while, on the magazine rack near where I was standing, there was a “liberal” magazine with a cover story about “the Obama mystique.”
More evidence that we live in the land of democracy and free speech:
Surprised you didn’t mention it during your talk.
Posted by Charles from Jersey City on 05/03 at 11:40 PM -
morning all.
i don’t think this lad has really thought this through do you?
does the name jesse owens mean anything to anyone?
Posted by michael from scotland (but in exile again) on 05/04 at 06:17 AM -
Thanks, Charles. I think the talk went well. How many people would you say were there? 30? 40? I couldn’t get a good count.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 05/04 at 09:39 AM -
I was standing off to the side, so it was tough for me to gauge how many were there. 30 sounds about right.
Just to follow up what you said on the whole 9/11 conspiracy thing, I thought about what you said that if Dick Cheney was found to be 100% guilty and even admitted to it, that nothing would change. During your remarks, however, you made mention of the fact that there are more of “us” than there are of “them,” yet most of “us” stay home and watch Dancing With The Stars.
We all agree that we need the majority of people involved if serious change is going to happen. If it were discovered that our own government (or whatever shadowy agency) planned one of the most diabolical acts on American soil in recent history, and that doesn’t motivate people to get off their asses, then what will? What would possibly have to occur to light a fire, to get Joe Citizen fighting, to spark another French Revolution? Surely there has to be some sort of catalyst, no?
Posted by Charles from Jersey City on 05/04 at 01:06 PM -
Charles...11...I appreciate what you’re saying...my take is..america is dead, just needs to fall over and finalize its death...I think anything can be pulled over on the american public. As for dancing with the stars, I don’t own a TV...damn it!
Posted by joe of maine from on 05/04 at 02:33 PM -
the catalyst might be total economic collapse. take a look at my link in #7, the chickens aren’t long from coming home to roost. combine that with something like $200 a barrel for oil and they won’t be able to hide reality behind trumped up statistics.
of course, revolution has a way of revolving money from one small subset of the population to another.
perhaps the only way for people to wake up is when nature can’t take any more of our poison and tries to flush out the source of the problem. who knows when that tipping point will be reached...then there will be no need for a catalyst...you either wake up or die.
Posted by JOS from Oak Park on 05/04 at 03:17 PM -
Charles: I’m not sure that nothing would change but I’ve grown so cynical, my expectations of the American public are so low, that I just don’t know that such a revelation would result in more than widespread support for Democrats, vague new legislation “guaranteed” to prevent future false flag ops, and a smug self-satisfaction that America has once again rooted out its own problems and has now returned to its rightful place as god’s country.
JOS: Your link is dead but you can find the article here:
http://www.tampabay.com/news/article473596.ecePosted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 05/04 at 04:08 PM -
I am every bit as cynical of Americans, which is why, I suppose, I’m an avid reader of your stuff. But I think of the old adage of the frog being tossed into a pot of boiling water. Is there absolutely nothing that could happen that would force Americans to immediately jump up and act, or are we a nation of frogs sitting comfortably in cold water with the temperature being slowly increased, unaware of the danger that we’re in until it’s too late?
Posted by Charles from Jersey City on 05/04 at 11:49 PM -
Charles: I put up a new post but please feel free to carry over this conversation if you want.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 05/05 at 11:17 AM -
I am new here, welcomed by my sister RMJ; you can welcome me, too, so we can chat!
My sister says that this is the best blog on the internet! I look forward to being part of it.Posted by etb from PA on 05/06 at 07:52 AM -
Welcome, ETB...a pleasure to “meet” you.
Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria on 05/06 at 09:40 AM
Next entry: Temp Agency
Previous entry: Poems that rhyme, May Day, my Bluestockings event, & math problems from Hell
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