Monday, January 17, 2011

Too bad we don't get to hear the real MLK

Posted by Mickey Z on 01/17 at 06:08 AM
  1. Great article, Mickey.

    Today, I am a little sad, thinking about what might have been.
    The “dream” will not be achieved during my life time… hopefully, during yours.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  01/17  at  02:02 PM
  2. The only dream I’m having is to somehow help create a softer lading place when it all collapses.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/17  at  02:56 PM
  3. Hello Mickey and RMJ. I just read some very sad commentary from Frederick Douglas writings.

    Interestingly he said the most cruelest slave owner he personally knew was a religious minister. Apparently many white people had very sick reasoning to rationalize their joy for inflicting pain.

    I ‘hope’ the appropriate authorities are strip searching every single attendant at that museum with full documentation of their findings.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  01/17  at  04:46 PM
  4. Hi joe, Mickey and all…

    joe, it is so cold here that when I went to get gas for the car yesterday, the nozzle on the gas pump froze up and could not pump. (Mickey - I know that we should not be using gas, but up here there is no other way to survive. We need public transportation - maybe someday… Right now I am snowed and iced in.  Hoping to get out before I run out of drinking water in a couple of days.)

    A soft landing place… maybe, for those with a lot of money. For the rest of us, not so good…

    My only optimistic moments come when I think about WikLeaks and how that could be more important than the invention of the wheel, but only IF the people are impressed with facts and information. WikiLeaks could change the way the world works. It could rearrange the power structure. It could put power in the hands of the people but I am not sure that even that would really make a difference. Think of the violence and wars. Could it be the human race is disevolving into an inferior life form? Evidence of retro-evolution?

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  01/18  at  01:53 PM
  5. If human history was in a film, it’d be like watching someone walk up the stairs in a horror film. “Noooo, don’t do THAT!”, quickly followed by another “Nooo”, and another “THINK!”...

    I think it counts as optimism to get angry at bad things. There’s no point getting angry if there’s no possibility of change.

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from   on  01/18  at  02:27 PM
  6. We don’t get to hear the real MLK, but we get the fake Obama every day. Did everyone see today’s WSJ op-ed from the Pope of Hope? Some regulations “are just plain dumb,” apparently.

    US history has now come full circle: Tunisians are contesting rampant injustice and the US now resembles the Barbary pirates. (captcha sez ‘ago’)

    RMJ, I think h. sapiens is proving no different than any other creature that fouls its nest.

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  01/18  at  03:33 PM
  7. Hello all. We have snow here in Brunswick and america is still corrupt.

    We’re not getting severe cold here like you are, RMJ. The mornings are around zero, right now about 20 degrees.

    Rick 5, We’re all participants in this horror film. I play the part of the guy who is afraid to go upstairs because it’s a nightmare at ground level.

    I stayed up for a while last night to see if any Coyote’s would come by. I think they know I’m watching for them or they might have heard the shortwave broadcast from Radio Havana Cuba? Coyote’s must deal with human’s nightmare also.

    The music you’re hearing in the background is Trio Medieval, ‘Soir, Dit Elle’, whatever the hell that means?

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  01/18  at  04:41 PM
  8. Hello all...from sleety (?) Astoria.

    Joe, turn up the music.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/18  at  04:45 PM
  9. Just put up a new post: my interview with Chomsky.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  01/19  at  04:25 AM

Next entry: My interview with Noam Chomsky

Previous entry: Planet Overkill