Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Short fiction: "Got It All Wrong"

Posted by Mickey Z on 04/12 at 05:05 AM
  1. Great story on the front page.  Getting it all wrong is epidemic these days…

    captcha says ‘picture’ ... nice one on the front today.

    There are three kinds of people…
    Some people write books
    Some people read books And some people ask, “What’s a book?”

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  04/12  at  12:50 PM
  2. That had some major allegory action, MZ. “Endless parade of losers” sounds like the US today, just don’t say it in mixed company.

    Wrong Noise Dept: http://tinyurl.com/ca8m6j

    RMJ, Patton Oswalt has a one-word take on growing up in Virginia: “Books?”

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  04/12  at  01:12 PM
  3. Hi Zen… In Virginia?  I feel better now. I thought maybe it was only here.

    A few days ago, I attended a gathering.  We happened to sit at a table with others. I did not know any of them.  One was a young man, sitting there with his head down - silent. Somehow he recognized my name. He looked up at me and asked one question “What do you think of Anonymous?” I answered, “I love them”. The young man and I bonded instantly. We enthusiastically talked over each other all evening. Each trying to get a word in to the other.  Those in the the group were shocked. They all said - But Travis never talks to anyone. I answered, Of course not. You are not interested in the things that he is.  I miss Travis.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  04/12  at  01:51 PM
  4. Thanks, RMJ and Zen.

    Cold and rainy here after over 70 degrees on Monday.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  04/13  at  12:41 PM
  5. Hi Mickey...It is cold here too - but the sun is shining at the moment.

    Locally a new, large food pantry for the poor and hungry has just opened.  Can the soup lines be far behind? Still, even now, many do not ‘get it’.  The USA spends more on the military that the whole rest of the world combined. Of course, there will not be money for food and housing and medical care....but we have a lot of shiny new tanks, jet fighters, bombs, missiles…

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  04/14  at  10:48 AM
  6. They’ll need all those weapons to suppress the poor when/if they finally rise up.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  04/14  at  10:51 AM
  7. FYI: A new/old post is now up and running.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  04/14  at  01:00 PM

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