Sunday, February 06, 2011

Remembering Ronnie Raygun

Posted by Mickey Z on 02/06 at 06:21 AM
  1. “just a pus-filled symptom of a larger ailment” true.

    When Reagan died it made my day. It also made me wonder how old Thatcher is. I can remember 3 deaths that made me happy. Reagan, Pinochet, and Jonas Savimbi.

    In the Outfoxed film a reporter says it’s an anniversary of Reagan’s death, and Murdoch said they weren’t showing enough crowds of people mourning. The reporter said that there was an infant school trip, and not much else. The piece was re-filmed with the reporter saying there were loads of people, with some film of the kids thrown in.

    The captcha wants to be sarcastic re your photo Mickey, captcha says “drive”.

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from   on  02/06  at  12:17 PM
  2. Hi Mickey, Rick, and all…

    Yes, Raygun was born and a lot of innocent people died because of him. Maybe not only because of him - but because we voted for members of Congress who financed the killing.

    Mickey, nice photo. That is what it is like up here.  Took me 3 days to just get my car doors open. 

    You would not believe the weather up here last night… THUNDER/LIGHTENING SNOW - worse than I have ever seen in my lifetime. Seems like something big is happening and Mother Nature is very angry. The planet is talking to us.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  02/06  at  01:18 PM
  3. Thanks, Rick and RMJ.

    Yep, we all play a role in maintaining a system of Rayguns and a culture at war with the planet.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  02/06  at  07:51 PM
  4. A great journo-blast from the past, MZ, but I’m having a hard time with the date: 2004, which was 6x worse than 2000, and much moreso than 1994, and so on. It’s now 2011 and life here has become a grotesque parody of its horrific self.

    Another truth-take on Reagan:

    RMJ, the satellite shots of the massive snow system were unbelievable, like something you’d see on another planet. I can only imagine what it was like on the ground. The terra-fuse is getting shorter. Some music for envirogeddon:

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  02/07  at  02:00 AM
  5. Good morning everyone.

    Ronald Reagan...was always a very bad actor.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  02/07  at  10:18 AM
  6. F*cking Raygun.

    A big problem in the UK is the cult of Winston Churchill.

    Just last week I was on a break at work and someone mentioned him to me cos I’m a Brit and I said that I hated the guy.

    Two other Brits overheard and were so shocked and personally offended. They asked why and I said:

    “Because he was a long term key player in the British Empire who was a authoritarian war monger and a racist.”

    They got really upset and when we talked more it became apparent to me that they simply did not know anything about him except that he was the leader during WW2.

    I then pointed out that at the time of WW2, we were still the British Empire, a vast brutal empire that was colonising the world under the ideology of racial superiority. And Just because Hitler was bad, it doesn’t logical imply that ‘we’ were good.

    They basically looked at me as if I was from Mars and one of the guys got genuinely angry with me. And accused me of political bias.

    All I did was state simply, well known, historical facts.

    Posted by Andy from Shanghai  on  02/07  at  03:44 PM
  7. Here’s a link for you, Andy:

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  02/07  at  03:52 PM
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RONALD REAGAN! Thanks for turning America into the fifties diner full of gun-totin’ retards it always wanted to be. - Blaine Capatch

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  02/07  at  08:09 PM
  9. Another impressive post, Mickey - and impressive comments from Rick, Rosemary, Zen Prole, Joe of Maine and Andy. 

    The drawing of Raygun riding on a rocket while firing out of various pistols reminded me of ‘Dr Strangelove’. 

    Thanks for giving Ronald Reagan his due!

    Posted by Helga from Daylesford, Australia  on  02/08  at  12:17 AM
  10. Thanks, Helga. Hope you weren’t impacted by the flooding, etc Down Under.

    Btw, a new post is now up.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  02/08  at  05:25 AM