Saturday, March 19, 2011

My yearly Iraq War anniversary (sic) correction

Posted by Mickey Z on 03/19 at 05:49 AM
  1. You keep coming out with these great posts, photos, etc., Mickey!  Thanks so much.

    Here is George Carlin on the ‘American Dream’:

    My trip to New York is only 2 days away - I’ll give you a ‘tingle’ around 23 March.

    All best from Daylesford,

    Posted by Helga from Daylesford, Australia  on  03/19  at  02:07 PM
  2. You mean we’ve meddled in the Middle East before?? (and North Africa...)

    The biggest question mark over the Libyan rebels for that the Western Governments want to support them. That’s not a good sign.

    It also seems strange that a leader of the rebels is the former Interior Minister. An oppressive regime… well let’s put the guy from internal security in charge!?  Hmmm

    Posted by Rick (The Cartoonist) from England  on  03/19  at  02:45 PM
  3. American deciders kill with bombs and fountain pens. Killing is all these savages know. Hundreds of years of practice. Killing of u.s. citizens, killing of the planet, the deciders don’t have the capacity to do anything but destroy. If they would only turn their murderous tendencies inwardly on themselves. I can’t find a word that is vulgar enough to appropriately describe how I feel about these lying, pathetic barbarians. They are so weak and yet they own the armies.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/19  at  05:40 PM
  4. Good morning Helga, Rick, Joe, and all…

    Great front page there, Mickey. I wonder what percent of the US voters could identify the woman in the photo.  Spring is here, but where is April?

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/20  at  07:58 AM
  5. 8 years ago right now, I was sitting in a prison cell.  I guess it didn’t do much good.  We are still killing civilians. But this is necessary because we have a backlog of tomahawk missiles to use up so we can order more and keep the most evil money laundering campaign in history going on and on and on… from the taxpayers, to the arms dealers (after the members of Congress take their cut)...  This is exactly why we bombed Panama etc…

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/20  at  01:51 PM
  6. Good evening everyone. I’ve been thinking, envisioning, the disaster in Japan, nukes, the multiple wars in the middle east and africa, depleted uranium weaponry, Israel dropping as many bombs as possible while some of the many other media items act as somewhat a shield, the lies on top of lies, the insanity of it all while people are starving and the deciders are puking their stupidity with saliva dripping out of the side of their mouths..., I’m developing a new language since I can’t find enough 4 letter words to describe the trash who buy and own the police forces.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/20  at  03:29 PM
  7. “Journalism” quotes of the day.
    Channel 4 News “Bombs of Liberation”... does that sound like regime change to you?

    ITV News: Anti-aircraft guns firing in Tripoli is a sign that they’re breaking the ceasefire!

    The Mass Media really does know how how to cultivate shit. They should grow mushrooms! (as in funghi, not clouds!).

    Michael Moore says that Libya offered to sell the usual French supply of China instead.
    Reminds me of when Saddam was asking OPEC to change from trading in Dollars to Euros.

    Follow the money, follow the power.

    Posted by Rick (The Cartoonist) from England  on  03/20  at  05:15 PM
  8. Hi Joe, Rick, Helga, Mickey, and all…

    The US has way too much money. Proof - spending 1.5 million for each of the 125 + missiles used to kill people in Libya.

    Also ... the US owes Qaddafi an apology.  Interesting how the Press never mentions the fact that the US bombed his home and killed his baby daughter years ago.

    Joe...It is snowing hard here all morning.  When will this end?

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/21  at  10:25 AM
  9. If it was a TV show we’d all be sighing.."Predictable, it’s just the same thing over and over again”...but we’d be able to turn off the TV.

    It seems that we only bomb Libya at night. Unless we’ve exchanged our jets and sumbamrines for spitfires and rubber ducks...I don’t think we need to bomb at night. Our pilots have more risk shaving. Reminds me of when Israel flew jets over Gaza at night, to keep the people awake and scared. Any thoughts?

    Posted by Rick (The Cartoonist) from England  on  03/21  at  12:08 PM
  10. Er..I meant submarines (typing too fast)

    Posted by Rick (The Cartoonist) from England  on  03/21  at  12:09 PM
  11. Hello Rick, 9

    Bombing at night has the extra terrorizing factor, which I think is meant to come before any risk of being shot down. No matter what time of day, the bombing is illegal, amoral, degenerate, stupid, sadistic, barbaric. Using airplanes to bomb also takes some of the guilt off pilots who won’t see the slaughter and suffering they’re bringing. Savagery of the u.s. 1500-2011

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/21  at  12:41 PM
  12. Yep, they’ve pulled out the standard playbook: sponsors terror, human shields, etc. The indifferent public will ask no questions and instead use the excitement as a way to mask the impending nuclear nightmare in Japan.

    Captcha sez: STOP

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  03/21  at  01:06 PM
  13. Good comments… The Press is a big part of the problem. Do they REALLY think that we are bombing to help the people there? (We are bombing you because we really care about you. If we start liking you more, we will nuke you.) This is immoral, stupid and all the things that joe and others said… except for one thing. Just follow the money. Many will continue to get richer and the oil futures went up when the bombing started. Wall Street wins when people die.

    This is also illegal under International Law AND also under Article 1, Section 8 of the USA Constitution.  Time for Impeachment and war crimes trials.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/21  at  01:28 PM
  14. RMJ 13, I agree. We are overdue to turn in our war criminals. There’s certainly enough to fill a number of freighters. I would also prosecute those people who push $$$$ for nuclear power plants. No trial is necessary.

    There have been hundreds of years of evidence including for the current bunch of shit for brain’s.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/21  at  01:45 PM
  15. RMJ #13, I still say follow the money, and power.

    The oil price is set by OPEC, but if we control the flow of oil...we have China by the nuts!

    When Libya told France that their usual flow of oil would go to China if they pissed them made me think.

    China and the US/UK are both big economic powerhouses globally. So a country might choose either to trade with. But only one side will bomb you if you don’t choose them.

    I was trying to think of a country that China has attacked within my lifetime. I couldn’t name one (Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1980 is before my time).

    Try doing the same for the US or don’t win a coconut!

    Posted by Rick (The Cartoonist) from England  on  03/21  at  03:23 PM
  16. I’d like to tell the ‘deciders’ where they can pump the oil then there would be real meaning to the term crude.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/21  at  05:48 PM
  17. Been up since 1am, new snow on the grown and apparently there’s a new oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Disasters R us.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/22  at  02:29 AM
  18. Hello everyone…

    Joe, we got a touch of snow here yesterday morning.

    Rick: Maybe Tibet? Although I realize that situation is not what you mean.

    Anyway, I just put up a new post. Hope to see you all there soon.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  03/22  at  04:41 AM
  19. Tibet was invaded in 1950, but I know what you mean.

    Posted by Rick (The Cartoonist) from England  on  03/22  at  01:08 PM