Cool Observer
- I go mostly for the A/C and coming attractions anyway
- Meanwhile, back in Iraq...
- May Day at Yankee Stadium
- Moussaoui and the death penalty
- Rush to judgment on global warming?
- Dickheads, nutbags, 'bots, and the new menu at Wendy's
- Keep Hope (and Crosby) alive
- Does the Pope shit in the woods?
- It was 10 years ago today...
- It was 44 years ago today...
- Taken for Zimbabwe or another
- What's on your Island iPod?
- Rufus T. Firefly awaits...
- Narrow walkway near the tracks
- Autographed books? Indie flick. Reading backwards. Dead Pope.
- The Activist's Guide to Health & Fitness
- The Pope is Dead: It's time for "Generic God"(tm)
- Marcel Duchamp declares independence
- TGIF: Left Out. Bruce Lee. Situation(ist) Comedy. Travel Talk. Nick.