Friday, March 09, 2012
Occupation is Free: Love, Life & More
At the end of the day, it’s a simple equation: The 1% wants to suppress liberty while the 99% wants to amplify it.
Thus, in the spirit of liberty amplification, I offer some tidbits in the areas of health, love, and lifestyle…
One of my recent photos:
Old School PR for my upcoming talk
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Monday, March 05, 2012
#Occupy4Primates (Hint: that includes us)
By celebrating our primate status rather than denying it, we are able to create connections to other humans and to the natural world that have the potential to lessen violence, exploitation, and ecocide.
Mic Check:
One of my recent photos:
The St. Pat’s For All Parade (March 4)
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Saturday, March 03, 2012
No Moore, No Moore: #DeOccupyThePhonyLeft
This just in: At the 2012 “Left” Forum, attendees will have the opportunity to experience pearls of wisdom rained down upon them during an address from none other than – wait for it – Michael Moore.
Mic Check: Michael Moore is not a leftist…but he does play one on TV.
When I learned of this seemingly inevitable decision, I just had to reach back into some previous writing of mine to help make certain that authentic radicals fully understand why Moore is less.
One of my recent photos:
‘round and ‘round the world
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